Shropshire Drama Company inviting entries into recital and readings competition based on Florence Nightingale theme

June 8, 2020

Shropshire Drama Company (SDC) has organised a ‘record a reading’ competition based on the theme of Florence Nightingale.

To commemorate the recent 200th anniversary since her birth and a date that is now celebrated as International Nurses’ Day, people are being invited to submit a recited speech or poem (in part or whole) based loosely on the theme of Florence Nightingale.  For example, the piece may be a poem about war, whether by Shakespeare or a present day writer, a Winston Churchill speech or contain the name Florence or the word nightingale; may have been written in the year that Florence Nightingale was born – 1820; or even an extract from one of her books and letters. Self-penned submissions from writers keen to step in front of the camera, as well hose not so keen but who have managed to persuade a friend or family member to read their piece, are also welcomed.

Prizes will be awarded for the winning entries and, depending on government guidelines regarding Coronavirus, SDC aims to organise an evening of performances later in the year. Winners will be announced on 13 August, the date of Florence Nightingale’s passing in 1910.

Entry is free and submissions can be made by individuals or groups of no more than four people, where social distancing has been observed. They should be no longer than two and a half minutes and sent to SDC by 31 July, 2020 using the following media:

1 As an attachment in a message to SDC’s Facebook page at

2 File transfer using for example, or Dropbox, and emailed to

3 YouTube link emailed to

Commenting on the competition, chair of SDC Rosalind Garrard, said: “We are living during unprecedented and extraordinary times, which have not only disrupted SDC’s planned productions but may yet have a devastating on the arts as a whole and in the wider context, may alter all of our lives. To keep positive, to keep performance skills honed and to encourage creativity we are setting up this competition which we hope will stir the imagination and raise the spirits resulting in some truly creative and inspired recitals. We hope that anyone with any sort of dramatic interest will take up the challenge and run with it!”

For more information email SDC at

Video link: Matt Deakin reciting a slightly amended epilogue from William Shakespeare’s Henry V is available to view on YouTube HERE.